
Rescue 29

2019 Spartan Gladiator Rescue Pumper

Engine 29

2014 KME Engine 29

Tower Ladder 29

1997 Sutphen

  • 95′ Mid-Mount Aerial Tower Ladder

Duty Car 29

2016 Chevy Tahoe

Command 29- Coming Soon!

2019 Ford Expedition


Fire Police- Traffic 29

2008 Ford F350 w/6.4L Diesel


Former Apparatus

Squad 29- (SOLD)

2012 KME Predator SS Engine

  • Acquired from Lincoln Fire Company

Utility 29 (Retired)

2004 Chevrolet Tahoe 

  • Utility Vehicle

Engine / Pipeline 29- (SOLD)

1999 E-One Engine

  • 1500 GPM Pumper

Old Rescue 29- (SOLD)

2000 Saulsbury/E-One 

  • Walk Through Heavy Rescue

Old Pipeline 29- (SOLD)

1991 Mack CF600/E-One

  • 1500 GPM Pumper
  • w/750 Gal. Tank

Fire Safety School Trailer- (Retired)

BHFC’s Fire Safety School Trailer is a converted recreational travel trailer, equipped with high-tech theatrical smoke machines. In both our Bedroom and Kitchen Scenarios, we are able to simulate the conditions of a real fire (minus the heat) in order to teach children how to properly react if confronted with a fire situation.